
060   |   Sony   |   '96  03.03



MZ-E35,素色的機面勾畫出半弧線條,僅留下功能性的視窗元素,半圓弧線勾畫出視覺與觸感的差異化,如礦石般的粗曠與滑順的磨砂交錯,為平面的造型對比出立體層次感。 強韌輕量的鎂合金鑲嵌著MD Walkman Logo,在在暗示了其居高臨下的"半"高階身分(僅上蓋為鎂合金)。方正袖珍的小巧體積,談不上纖薄19.1mm雖不滿意但可接受的厚度~

嶄新登場的Stick Controller顛覆了過往的線控概念,長筒狀造型並於前端配置轉軸,僅需以正 / 逆轉動操控。直觀、效率又新奇的操控體感,開拓確立了嶄新的設計經典,也深遠地影響了日後的線控設計走向。Sony也藉由本次革新將線控端與耳機接頭由過往的特規Micro Plug改成通規3.5mm,讓用家能任意搭配耳機使用。

機背新型省電技術也沒有缺席,僅需1.2V的充電片或AAx 1即可驅動的高效,附屬的急速充電器1小時即滿充電。 機身雖小巧卻仍誠意十足地給了小巧好用的液晶螢幕,而多數隨身聽僅以按鍵形式的Hold功能,承襲自卡帶隨身聽類比情懷十足的"Hold Shutter”,以直覺的滑動方式來開 / 關防止誤觸更加地豐富了E35操控體驗。

好還要更好,Sony還大加碼地搭載相較過往多達4倍的16Mbit DRAM實現40秒的防震記憶,讓E35成為極罕見的完美型Walkman,獲得可能是MD初德國iF設計獎項。


All the Love and Attention in One

According to Sony's press release, the MD market in Japan entered a popular phase starting from '96, with projected sales reaching 5 million units by the end of '97, of which portable devices account for approximately 50%. Especially notable is the combination of MD and audio systems, estimated to reach 65% in quantity and 80% in value by the end of '99, further driving demand for portable devices.

The MZ-E35 features a minimalist design with a semi-circular outline, emphasizing functional window elements. The contrasting textures of rugged magnesium alloy and smooth matte surfaces create a dimensional contrast, akin to the roughness of minerals against the sleekness of satin, enhancing the flat design with a sense of depth. The robust yet lightweight magnesium alloy embedded with the MD Walkman Logo subtly suggests its semi-premium status (top cover only). Its square and compact form, at a thickness of 19.1mm, is not the thinnest but remains acceptable.

The revolutionary Stick Controller introduces a new era in remote control design, with its elongated shape and a pivot at the front for intuitive clockwise/counterclockwise operation. This intuitive, efficient, and novel control interface establishes a new design classic and profoundly influences future trends in remote control design. Sony also innovates by standardizing the remote control and headphone jack to the universal mini plug, offering users greater headphone compatibility.

The back of the device features new energy-saving technologies, operating efficiently with just 1.2V rechargeable batteries or a AAx 1 , with rapid charging capabilities that achieve full charge in just 1 hour. Despite its compact size, the MZ-E35 boasts a generously sized and user-friendly LCD screen. Unlike most portable players that only feature hold functions in button form, the MZ-E35 inherits the analog charm of cassette players with its "Hold Shutter," enriching the control experience with an intuitive slide mechanism for toggling.

To further enhance its appeal, Sony incorporates 16Mbit DRAM, four times more than previous models, enabling 40 seconds of shock-resistant memory, making the E35 a rare and perfect Walkman. It may be the first portable MD to receive the prestigious iF Design Award from Germany.


Stick Control線控



AAx 1驅動

Stick controller

Magnesium die cast upper cover

40secs shock resistant memory

AAx 1 support

スティック コントローラー



AAx 1対応



Digital mega bass 2 levels


Size  |  Weight (w h d)

82.5 x 19.1 x 80mm


140g(with rech.)

Battery(hr) ▶


AAx 1:8


Attached rech. AD-S30BT

Offcial Price


Monthly output




iF Design Award Germany

ドイツiF Design



Sony '98.06
Sony '98.06
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