073 | Kenwood | '97
強調手掌尺寸擁有錄 / 放 / 編輯全功能可能性的DMC-G7R。用Slot in機構,有別於一般貝殼機構繁瑣的機蓋開開關關,僅需One Touch以水平向滑順快速地入 / 出光碟。不過Slot In需要較多的空間占比機身也較厚重些。
為了搭配Slot In採用橫向設計,大占比的留白及曲線的運用,整體依然是Kenwood特有的高辨識度異色風格。長型的液晶螢幕曲名、REC Level、電量、光碟一目了解,並支援英、數、片假名最大10文字顯示。頗可惜是並未隨著主機一新僅配備了無螢幕的線控操作。
搭載貼心的"Synchro REC",錄音時偵測音訊的有無而連動錄音的啟動 / 暫停(4秒以上空白自動刪除、無音訊處自動標示曲目等),讓錄音編輯更為輕鬆簡便。
充電池擁有REC 7 / Play 9.5的極長效也是年度最強的續航力,但對MD來說不可或缺的外接電池盒(BC-F5 ¥3,000)卻為選購品的策略實在讓人費解。
Old Wine in New Bottle
The DMC-G7R emphasizes palm-sized capability for recording, playback, and editing. Featuring a Slot in mechanism, it differs from typical clamshell designs with a simple One Touch operation for smooth horizontal insertion and ejection of discs. However, Slot In requires more space, resulting in a bulkier body.
To complement its Slot In design, the device employs a horizontal layout with significant use of white space and curves, maintaining Kenwood's distinctive and highly recognizable style. Its elongated LCD screen displays track names, REC Level, battery status, and disc information at a glance, supporting up to 10 characters in English, numerals, and katakana. It's regrettable that it only comes equipped with screenless line controls, not upgraded alongside the main unit.
Equipped with the thoughtful "Synchro REC," it automatically starts and pauses recording based on audio detection (automatically deleting 4-second or longer silences and marking tracks in silent spots), making recording and editing easier and more convenient.
The LCD line control, inspired by diving watches, enhances its dynamic and trendy appeal with a versatile Tough aesthetic. Its front panel uses rare aluminum metal, elevating both design and texture, though it regrettably lacks the almost standard feature of backlighting.
Its battery boasts an exceptional endurance with REC 7 / Play 9.5hrs, making it one of the strongest in annual battery life. However, the absence of an essential external battery pack (BC-F5 ¥3,000) for MD seems perplexing as an optional purchase strategy.
Overall, compared to its predecessor DMC-F5R, it primarily differs in its approach to recording sampling conversion and LCD line control, offering a somewhat conservative redesign with less innovation.
Slot In入/退碟
Long battery life
Slot-in mechanism
Partial aluminum LCD remote control
Sampling Converter
Bass boost 3 levels
Size | Weight (w h d)
109.2 x 30.5 x 81.3mm
275g(with rech.)
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.:9.5 / 7
Attached rech. NB-L5
Oprical - in
Line - in
MIC - in
Earphone - out
Official Price
Annual Rech batt. longest REC / play