119 | Kenwood | '99  02


Kenwood新聞稿指出(以下節錄部分內容),家用MD錄 / 放硬體市場,除了過往的組合音響,也包含可移動的手提的音響系列讓市場持續大幅成長。也隨著MD媒體價格逐步親民化,市場也由過往主流選擇的卡帶比重因MD而大幅改變。

相對持續擴大的市場,隨身型的Player成長幅度更是顯著,過往(或說大多數)隨身型MD硬體本身相較隨身型卡帶硬體頗為高價。以充實的基本面與親民的價格打造出DMC-K3滿足C /P值的客群進一步擴大市佔。


毫不遜色於主機的新型線控"Multi Display Remote Controller",科技感的形色搭配取材自PHS手機操作方式的四向大圓按鍵便於盲操控,並有著驚人的超輕量8.2g,與整體不成比例的奈米級螢幕却有著極誇張的外框占比,極獨特的文字發光樣式帶出鮮明的流行感。


充電池9 / AA 10小時的中規中矩的續航。只是都來到'99年了,竟然還只有讓人冒冷汗的10秒防震記憶...


Full Spec Futuristic

Kenwood's press release (excerpted below) states that the home MD rec /play hardware market continues to grow significantly, expanding beyond traditional mini compo systems to include portable audio series. As the price of MD media has gradually become more affordable, the market has shifted significantly from cassette tapes, which were once the mainstream choice.  

Compared to the continually expanding market, the growth in portable MD players has been even more remarkable. In the past (or generally speaking), portable MD devices were considerably more expensive than portable cassette players. With solid fundamental features and a consumer-friendly price, the DMC-K3 aims to attract value-conscious customers and further expand market share.  

The protruding arrow-shaped design running through the body, combined with the colored window, evokes the image of a fast, dynamic flying vehicle. The right-side window adds a touch of futuristic technology to the overall look. Officially, the design language is described as "Double Face Design," emphasizing its trendy and symmetrical appeal without a front or back difference.  

The new "Multi Display Remote Controller" is just as impressive as the main unit. Its futuristic design draws inspiration from PHS mobile phone controls, featuring a large four-directional circular button ideal for blind operation. It weighs an incredibly light 8.2g, yet its oversized bezel-to-screen ratio around the nano-sized display creates a striking contrast. The highly unique illuminated text style enhances its bold, fashionable appearance.  

Though an entry-level model, Kenwood shows great sincerity by incorporating a rare dual-LCD setup (main unit + remote). The mini screen and button layout on the back of the main unit correspond harmoniously with the design elements on the front.  

Battery life is a standard 9hrs with a rechargeable / 10hrs AA. However, for a product released in '99, the mere 10-second anti-shock memory feels a bit underwhelming and anxiety-inducing.  




W LCD (主機・線控)



Double・Face・Design design Language

Compatible batt. body

W LCD (body, controller)

8.2g Backlight remote controller

10secs anti-shock memory



Bass boost

Size  |  Weight (w h d)

99.9 x 17.4 x 75mm


145g(with rech.)

Battery(hrs) ▶


AAx 1:10

Attached rech. NB-150S

offcial Price


Monthly output


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