
034 | Sharp | '96  03.03


Sharp新聞稿指出,在日本市場在年輕族群中急速高人氣成長的MD,與前年相較'95年數量與金額需求增長超越300%的驚人氣勢,其中尤以居家組合音響等複合類產品成長顯著,Sharp預測外出用的Player也將隨之連動成長。 在滿足小型・輕量・續航等外出時必備的性能同時,滿足年輕族群追求的嶄新設計與享受流行性的MD-S50登場~

可簡便收放於口袋的小型輕量尺寸,得歸功於採用3向式全息投影雷射(Hologram laser)超薄型光學頭、與碟片幾乎同等面積的薄型輕量機構,加上獨家研發的基幹組件,不僅小巧且含充電池僅150g的輕巧機身。而機械底盤採用採用高剛性樹脂,並將馬達安裝部整合一體實現小型輕量化。

積極多變的Sharp在新年份裡形色設計語言也為之同步一新。清新的造型與獨特的梯形視窗為整體帶來些許不對稱卻又穩定的奇妙平衡動感,唯一不變的是素雅大方的形色。 不只外在的攜便,高效的續航以處理數位信號的雙LSI由原本集積為單一晶片,並加上效率化的迴路設計比起前作MZ-S25省電約35%,充電池則升級至200%的4小時續航。

新型的線控有著與整體不符比例的小巧液晶螢幕可顯示英/數/片假名/,採分離式3.5mm通規接頭支援所有品牌耳機更換使用。並搭載3段式X-Bass。 此外提供4向供電選擇,支援4向供電(充電池、家用DC、外接電池盒、車用電源)。對於尚屬高耗電而不可或缺的外接電池盒(AD-S50BC ¥2,500)竟然需額外購買的讓人困惑的行銷策略。


Sharp's Restoration

According to a Sharp press release, MDs have rapidly gained popularity among young demographics in the Japanese market. Comparing to the previous year, in '95, the demand in quantity and value surged by over 300%, especially notable growth in combined products like home audio systems. Sharp predicts a subsequent rise in portable MD to meet the demand for on-the-go usage. Keeping in mind the necessary performance for portability, compactness, and battery life, the MD-S50, designed to cater to the new tastes and trends of the youthful demographic, has been introduced.

Its pocket-sized and lightweight design owes credit to the utilization of a three-way hologram laser for an ultra-thin optical head, a mechanism almost the same size as the disc, and an exclusively developed core component. This combination not only ensures a diminutive size but also a lightweight body, weighing only 150 grams with the battery. The mechanical chassis, made of high-rigidity resin, integrates the motor assembly to achieve a compact and lightweight structure.

Sharp, known for its dynamic approach, has revamped its design language for the new year. The fresh aesthetics and unique trapezoidal window bring a slight asymmetry yet a stable and lively balance to the overall appearance. What remains unchanged is the elegant and generous form. Beyond its portability, its efficiency in battery life is improved. With dual LSIs for digital signal processing integrated into a single chip and an efficient circuit design, it consumes about 35% less power compared to its predecessor, the MZ-S25, offering an upgraded battery life of approximately 4 hrs, a 200% improvement.

The new remote control features a compact LCD screen displaying alphanumeric characters and kana, proportionally smaller in comparison to the overall device. It adopts a detachable 3.5mm standard jack, supporting the use of headphones from various brands. Additionally, it comes with X bass 3 levels. It offers a choice of four power sources (battery, home DC, external battery box, car power). However, the separate purchase necessity for the external battery box (AD-S50BC ¥2,500), an indispensable but high-power-consuming accessory, seems to be a perplexing marketing strategy.





Thin and lightweight body

Separate 3.5mm jack remote control

4 Way power support






X bass 3 levels

Size  |  Weight (w h d)

74 x 17.9 x 106mm

150g(with rech.)

Attached rech. AD-S50BT

Battery(hr) ▶ 


Attached rech. AD-S50BT

Official Price


Monthly output



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Good Design Award Japan


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