045 | Denon | '96
機身原型可能來自Sharp MD-MS100。有別於一般貝殼機構繁瑣的機蓋開開關關,僅需One Touch以水平向直覺滑順地快速入 / 出光碟。不過Slot In需要較多的空間占比讓機身較為厚重。
獨特閃亮的亮面烤漆質感搭配低調的寶藍色系佐以圓潤的橢圓按鍵,發散著沉穩內斂的精品貴氣質感。長型的液晶螢幕曲名、REC Level、電量、光碟一目了解,並支援英、數、片假名最大10文字顯示。頗可惜是僅配備了無螢幕的線控操作。
貼心功能"Synchro REC",錄音時偵測音訊的有無而連動錄音的啟動 / 暫停(4秒以上空白自動刪除、無音訊處自動標示曲目等),讓錄音編輯更為輕鬆簡便。
擁有充電池錄3.5 / 放4.5小時續航。而通常列為標配的外接電池盒竟然需額外購買,以當時的MD高耗電來說電池盒是外出時不可或缺的,讓人百思不解的行銷策略。
Understated Luxury
The body prototype may have been inspired by the Sharp MD-MS100. Unlike the complex shell mechanism of opening and closing, it only requires a one-touch, horizontally intuitive sliding motion for quick disc insertion and removal. However, the Slot In feature requires more space, making the body somewhat bulky.
The unique glossy paint finish, paired with a subtle blue color scheme and rounded oval buttons, exudes a refined and discreet sense of high-end elegance. The elongated LCD screen displays track names, REC Level, battery status, and disc information at a glance, supporting English, numbers, and katakana with a maximum of 10 characters. Unfortunately, it only comes with a screen-less remote control for operation.
A thoughtful feature, "Synchro REC," detects the presence of audio during recording and synchronizes the start/pause of recording accordingly (automatic deletion of silence longer than 4 seconds, automatic track marking in silent areas), making recording and editing easier.
It has a battery life of REC 3.5 / Play 4.5 hr on rechargeable batteries. Surprisingly, the external battery box, usually considered a standard accessory, needs to be purchased separately. Given the high power consumption of MD players at that time, the battery box was essential for outdoor use, leaving people puzzled about the marketing strategy.
We appreciate any official MD information including specifications.
Slot In入 / 退碟
Slot-in mechanism
Synchro REC
Body Large LCD display
Separate 3.5mm jack remote control
Bass boost
Size | Weight (w h d)
109.2 x 30.5 x 81.3mm
275g(with rech.)
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.: 4.5 / 3.5
Attached rech. AP-28
Optical - in
Line - in
MIC - in
Earphone - out
Official Price