029 | Kenwood | '95
以簡單・多功能・高音質訴求的DMC-F5R。採用Slot in機構,有別於一般貝殼機構繁瑣的機蓋開開關關,僅需One Touch以水平向滑順快速地入 / 出光碟。不過Slot In需要較多的空間占比機身也較厚重些。
為了搭配Slot In採用橫向設計,大占比的留白及曲線的運用,整體依然是Kenwood特有的高辨識度異色風格。長型的液晶螢幕曲名、REC Level、電量、光碟一目了解,並支援英、數、片假名最大10文字顯示。頗可惜是並未隨著主機一新僅配備了無螢幕的線控操作。
搭載貼心的"Synchro REC",錄音時偵測音訊的有無而連動錄音的啟動 / 暫停(4秒以上空白自動刪除、無音訊處自動標示曲目等),讓錄音編輯更為輕鬆簡便。
擁有充電池錄3.5 / 放4.5小時續航。可能由於機身尺寸有"份量"之故,加上極具分量的AAx 6才得以供電,本次外接電池盒為¥2,000大洋的加購品,在當時甚麼都貴的MD系列來說算是比較"平易近人"吧...
Distinctive Design
The DMC-F5R, emphasizing simplicity, versatility, and high sound quality, appears to have its prototype inspired by the Sharp MD-ST500. Featuring a Slot-In mechanism, it diverges from the complex shell mechanism, allowing for a smooth one-touch horizontal insertion and removal of discs. However, the Slot-In design requires more space, resulting in a slightly bulkier body.
To complement the Slot-In mechanism, the device adopts a horizontal design, utilizing a significant amount of white space and curves. The overall look maintains Kenwood's unique high-visibility distinctive style. The elongated LCD screen provides information such as track names, REC Level, battery status, and disc details at a glance, supporting English, numbers, and katakana with a maximum of 10 characters. Unfortunately, the remote control, which lacks a screen, was not updated with the main unit.
Equipped with the considerate "Synchro REC," it detects the presence of audio during recording, synchronizing the start/pause of recording accordingly (automatically deleting silence longer than 4 seconds, automatically marking tracks in silent areas), making recording and editing more convenient.
The rechargeable battery provides play 3.5 / REC 4.5 hr. Perhaps due to the substantial size of the device, powered by a significant AAx6, an additional purchase of the external battery box for ¥2,000 was necessary. In the context of the generally expensive MD series at the time, it can be considered relatively budget-friendly.
Slot In入 / 退碟
Slot-in mechanism
Synchro REC
Body Large LCD display
Separate 3.5mm jack remote control
Bass boost 3 levels
Size | Weight (w h d)
109.2 x 30.5 x 81.3mm
275g(with rech.)
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.:4.5 / 3.5
Attached rech. NB-L5
Optical - in
Line - in
MIC - in
Earphone - out
Official Price
Annual Rech batt. longest REC / play