016 | Denon | '94
在音響界中鼎鼎大名的Denon也推出自家首航作~機身原型可能來自Sharp MD-M11。集約式按鍵規劃營造出留白的非平衡造型,只是居中的Logo破壞了留白讓整體顯得囉嗦複雜,未能詮釋Denon特有的貴氣靈性~
官方號稱Pocket Size的錄 / 放機身,在家Audio,外出Portable的多功能使用性。
對應外部數位 / 類比 / MIC訊源錄音並配備奢華的光纖(數位)輸出,搭載Bass Boost音效。搭載約10秒防震記憶。
為了對應更需電量的Recorder,採用新型鋰充電池,2小時的充電時間換來2.5小時續航,同時支援1.5小急速充電。外接龐大的電池盒(AAx 6)則一口氣提升至錄6.5 / 放9小時。
The Inaugural Voyage of an Audio Master
Denon, a well-known name in the audio industry, has launched its first-ever product. The overall appearance is based on a Sharp OEM version, with a minimalist non-balanced design created through compact button layout. However, the placement of the logo in the center makes the overall appearance seem cluttered and complex, failing to convey Denon's unique sense of luxury and spirituality.
The elongated LCD screen and large text make for easy and intuitive reading, but the thick trapezoidal screen border looks crowded visually.
It has luxurious independent fiber optic input/output terminals and a three-stage X-Bass sound effect. In addition, it comes with an all-in-one line control operation, but unfortunately, it is not designed separately, which means that when the headphones are worn out, the line control needs to be replaced together.
The battery life is only 2.5 hours for recording and playback, which is not very useful, but it can be extended to a maximum of 6.5 hours for recording and 9 hours for playback by using an external battery box.
數位光纖輸出 / 入
Multi editing function
Optical Digital In / Out Jack
Multi remote controller
Shock resistant memory
Official Price
Bass Boost
Size | Weight (w h d)
84 x 29.8 x 106mm
300g(with rech.)
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.:2.5 / 2
Rech + AAx 6:9 / 6.5
Attached rech. AP-22
Optical - in|out
Line - in
MIC - in
Earphone - out
Official Price