015 | Aiwa | '94
恆亙機身的縱長液晶螢幕,曲目、狀態、時間等無須切換一目了然的強大顯示性能,頗可惜REC Level卻顯小巧到堪用的辨識度。螢幕有著極其罕見的MD初 背光照明*,乍看不甚特別優異的機能,但MD史上本功能可能不超過10機型。機面的銀色主操作鍵頗貼心地於插電時會背光照明便於操控。也配備獨立的光纖輸出 / 入。
F1還率先推出了MD初 Mono REC,以單聲道形式錄音讓原本74分光碟躍升至200%的148分,在MD空白片尚屬天價的初期*,對於如會議、演講等非音樂用途解決了錙銖必較的時間壓力痛點。還貼心地搭載了x2快速撥放。
新型鋰充電池,高效的1.5小時充電擁有2.5小時續航,併用外接電池盒(AAx 3)可達6.5小時。
*Sony MDW-74 74分空白光碟¥1,700
Full Spec Flagship
From its model number, you might mistakenly think that it is the first product.
The LCD screen on the body spans horizontally, and the logo is symmetrically placed in the center, creating an ideal feng shui-like layout. The body is cut in half to separate the operational and display functions. As a subsidiary of Sony, Aiwa's design is similar to its competitor, Sharp.
The long LCD screen on the body shows tracks, status, and time without the need for switching. However, the dynamic display is simplified to a usable degree.
The screen has an extremely rare MD initial backlight.*
The main buttons also have a considerate backlighting feature, although it requires electricity to function. The machine also comes with a rare fiber optic digital output and a single unit remote control without a screen, which unfortunately means that the remote control needs to be replaced together with the headphones in the future.
In the expensive blank MD era of 1993*, F1 was the first to introduce the initial Mono recording mode, which increased the maximum recording time from 74 minutes to 148 minutes, solving the time pressure pain point for non-music recording purposes such as meetings. Additionally, it also thoughtfully features the x2 fast playback function.
The LED battery level indicator, which is Aiwa's signature feature in portable cassette players, has also been extended to MD. The battery level is indicated by three levels (E, M, F), with corresponding colors, providing users with a thoughtful reminder of the battery level status.
Aiwa's technology is the best representation of this machine.
*The first-generation MD models, such as the MZ-1, have backlighting, but it only works when plugged in.
*Sony MDW-74 74-minute blank mini disc ¥1,700
數位光纖輸出 / 入
Body display backlight
Mono Mode REC
Optical In / Out Jack
2x fast playback
DSL 2 levels
Size | Weight (w h d)
84 x 31 x 106.8mm
300g(with rech.)
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.:2.5 / 2
AAx3:2.5 / 2
Both:6.5 / 4
Attached rech. LIP-12
Optical - in|out
Line - in|out
MIC - in
Earphone - out
Official Price
MD初 機身背光液晶
MD First Body LCD backlight
MD初 ボディLCDバックライト付き