007 | Sony  | '93  12.01


相較初代MD在內外端莊隆重,似乎被賦予加速MD普及重責大任的MZ-R2鄭重登場,貫徹了斷捨離的精簡信念,採用新研發的主基板、光學頭,尤其砍掉綜藝效果的全電動進 / 退碟機構,並導入新規的小型充電池等成功大瘦身。

幾近一手掌握的小巧尺寸,外出時也不再明顯負擔的重量,與前作MZ-1相較體積減少60%,重量更是大犯規的縮減55%(含充電池310g),也創下MD Recorder隔代最大體積差記錄。



機面鑲嵌一塊最大9文字顯示的多元液晶螢幕。此外也借鏡了卡帶隨身聽的Hold Shuttle以簡便直覺的邏輯防止誤操控。

小機身大功勞地採用僅前作約40%重量的LIP-12新型鋰電池。滿充電擁有2.5小時的續航,但充電時間也暴增至5小時之久...提供了外接電池盒設計,需AAx 3的驅動饒是削弱了便攜性,與充電池併用最大6.5小時續航。



Compact  is Future

Compared to the grandeur of the first-generation MD both internally and externally, the MZ-R2 seemed to have a solemn mission to accelerate the widespread adoption of MD. It adhered to the minimalist philosophy, introducing a newly developed mainboard, optical head, and notably removing the all-electric disc loading/unloading mechanism that added fancy effects. It also incorporated a new compact rechargeable battery, successfully shedding considerable weight.

Almost fitting into the palm of one's hand, it was no longer a noticeable burden when taken outdoors. Compared to its predecessor, the MZ-1, it reduced its volume by 60% and impressively trimmed down its weight by 55% (including the battery, 310g), setting a record for the largest volume reduction in MD Recorder history.

With its refreshed design, featuring a metallic gray tone with a matte texture and a glossy coating reflecting light like piano lacquer, it tried to bridge the gap with digital technology. However, its all-rounded and curvy design language, possibly intended to reduce the sense of distance from digital technology, ironically gave it a somewhat cheap appearance.

Equipped with a x2 line LCD screen that displayed up to 9 characters, it allowed at-a-glance viewing of the time, disc status, and battery level. It featured basic line control operations and a separable headphone design that could be easily replaced, further enhancing both technology and practicality.

The front panel housed a versatile LCD screen that could display up to 9 characters. Additionally, it borrowed the Hold Shuttle from cassette portable players to prevent accidental operations with its straightforward and intuitive logic.

Despite its compact size, it impressively employed the LIP-12 Li-ion battery, weighing only about 40% of its predecessor. With a full charge, it provided 2.5 hours of battery life, but the charging time had also significantly increased to a lengthy 5 hours. It offered an external battery pack design, powered by three AA batteries, which slightly compromised portability but provided a maximum of 6.5 hours of continuous playback when used in conjunction with the rechargeable battery.

As part of a give-and-take business strategy, some functions were also 'trimmed down' with the lightweight body. Essential functions for recorders such as text input, track navigation, and optical output were removed.






Small and lightweight body

Multi-function remote control

2 line LCD display

Shock resistant memory








Bass Boost

Size  |  Weight (w h d)

84 x 29.9 x 106.8mm

310g(with rech.)

Battery(hr) ▶ 

Rech.:2.5 / 2

AAx 3:2.5 / 2

Both:6.5 / 4

Attached rech. LIP-12


Oprical - in

Line - in|out

MIC - in

Earphone -  in

Official Price




Sony '93.12
Sony '93.12




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