
005 | Sharp | '93  01.28



作為MD主力廠商之一的Sharp顯然不這麼想,處女舞台秀以驚豔的美麗自信登場~由於主機不具備LCD螢幕,配備了MD初 液晶線控操作,曲目、動作狀態等無須透過主機直接操控,長條造型也便於握持。讓主機相對地保持著優雅大方的造型,可惜耳機與線控一體設計,日後耳機耗損時線控得一併更換。

對於尚屬龐然大物的S10,Sharp的神人設計師們以獨特大膽的異色混搭修飾機身的份量感,並借力使力讓厚重轉為精品般的質感。華貴的Brilliant Green及時尚的Brilliant Violet,色彩名稱也正如官方命名般地獨特罕見~

最大的硬傷就屬電力了吧~配備4.8V 600mAh鎳鎘電池,天長地久的5小時充電卻只換來90~100分的短暫續航~也無法外接電池盒,加購充電池要貴鬆鬆的¥5,000大洋,使用情境還是偏向居家"隨身聽"吧~

外在美麗,內在有力的S10~作為首發機型,擁有年度最小、最輕量機身的雙冠高水準機身,即便是第一代機種,呂大少認為S10遠勝過許多中後期MD的美學設計。機身一流,配色一絕~尤其Brilliant Green更是珍貴罕見到得如鳳毛麟角的存在~



Outside Beautiful,Inside Powerful

When the MD portable players first entered the scene, they were often bulky and heavy due to the limitations of technology, which somewhat constrained their design aesthetics more focused on function and practicality than on aesthetics.

However, Sharp, one of the key manufacturers of MD players, had a different vision. Their debut presentation was a stunning display of beauty and confidence. Since the main unit lacked an LCD screen, it was equipped with MD first LCD remote control in the history, allowing users to control tracks and monitor functions without direct interaction with the main unit. The elongated shape was also ergonomically designed for a comfortable grip. This design approach kept the main unit elegant and stylish. Unfortunately, the headphones were integrated with the line control, which meant that when the headphones wore out, the entire line control needed to be replaced.

For the rather substantial S10, Sharp's ingenious designers used a unique and bold mix of colors to enhance the device's visual appeal and make its weight feel like a high-quality feature. The luxurious Brilliant Green and stylish Brilliant Violet, even their color names were as unique as their official designations.

The biggest drawback, however, was its power supply. Equipped with a 4.8V 600mAh nickel-cadmium battery, it could only provide a brief 90-100 minutes of playback after a long 5-hour charge. It couldn't be extended with an external battery pack, and purchasing an extra battery cost a hefty ¥5,000. The S10 seemed more suited for home listening scenarios.

The S10 was a device of outer beauty and inner strength. As a first-generation model, it set the standard with its compact and lightweight design, even surpassing the aesthetics of many later-generation MD players, in the opinion of enthusiasts. With its premium build quality and unique color options, especially the Brilliant Green variant, it became a rare and highly sought-after gem in the world of MD players.

In Nov, '19, a brand-new unused S10 made its debut on Yahoo Auctions, but unfortunately, it sold for a remarkably low price of ¥13,249.






Small and lightweight body

LCD remote control

Shock resistant memory

X-Bass System








Size  |  Weight(w h d)

84 x 25.4 x 109.3mm

290g(with rech.)

Battery(min) ▶


Attached rech. AD-BM10

Official Price



Sharp初 MD

Sharp First Portable MD

シャープ初 ポータブルMD


MD初 液晶線控

MD First  LCD remote control

MD初 液晶リモコン

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