023 | Victor | '95 08
Victor's Debut
Victor, a prominent player in the MD history, initially chose the DCC camp as its rival. However, in the past three years, as the specifications battle reached its conclusion, Victor also entered the fray and introduced its first model, the XM-R1.
The elongated device features a clearly laid-out button arrangement, making it easy to use, but its design deviates somewhat from Victor's usual stylish and whimsical product characteristics.
Perhaps it's the internal features that take center stage in the R1, rather than its external design. With the use of a high-capacity lithium rechargeable battery, it achieves a recording time of up to REC 3 / play 3.7hrs. When combined with AA x4 , it extends recording to as much as REC 6.2 / play 8hr, a significant improvement in overall battery life.
What might make other recorders jealous is the R1's dual LCD display design for the MD recorder. It boasts a large primary screen that displays up to 12 characters and is extremely easy to read. In addition to displaying English and numeric characters, it also supports the display and input of katakana characters.
One noteworthy feature is the bright LCD screen that can simultaneously display track information, usage status, sound effects, battery level, and more. However, it's worth noting that the remote control is integrated into the headphones, so any wear and tear on the control will require replacing the entire unit.
Perhaps due to entering the market later or the high development costs involved, the R1 is priced approximately 20% higher than Sony's offerings from the same period. It seems that expectations for its sales may need to be tempered.
Long battery life
Twin LCD (remote control, body) Multi edit function
12 text body LCD display
Bass 2 levels
Long battery life
Twin LCD (remote control, body) Multi edit function
12 text body LCD display
Battery(hr) ▶ ●
Rech.:3.7 / 3
Both(AAx 4:8 / 6.2
Attached rech. BN-R365
Oprical - in
Line - in
MIC - in
Earphone - Out
Official Price
Victor first Portable MD
History Record
MD first Twin LCD Screen Recorder